A simple philosophy: design is for people

There are many and varied narratives that have been put forward as the basis for the creation of architecture: the expression of power; jealousy (…build it bigger than the last guy); the pursuit of the afterlife; the expression of divine; the use of platonic solids; anthropomorphism (form based on human proportion); the glory of god; the expression of classical orders; the expression of human perfection; the expression of human imperfection; craftsmanship; the creation of an iconic form; that form should follow a buildings function; structural “honesty”; market capitalisation; to express the spirit of the age; to create brand identity; to create “eye candy;” to meet the bottom line; post modernism; post structuralism; biophilic design ….etcetera.


While buildings may attempt to comprise many or even all of these attributes, it should not be the primary aim. The focus of architecture is that architecture is about people: their aspirations and objectives; the way they learn, interact and relate; how they work and how they rest; how they play, eat, entertain and relax; how they engage and how they withdraw; how they rise and how they rest; how they look outwards and how they look within.

In our view, architecture should never be just about the proportion of a façade or compositional idiosyncrasies. Thinking about buildings entirely in terms of their composition can not only be a straight jacket on the occupants’ objectives, it is actually a constraint on creativity. On the contrary, the diversity of peoples’ lives - how and where they live – is a source of abundant inspiration.

People are unique. Their aptitude, lifestyles, pastimes, cultures, pursuits, occupation, status, relationships, experiences taste and aspirations are vast and varied. Their properties have different topography, contexts, existing buildings, orientation and views. These are all opportunities for creativity. It is from here that we draw inspiration. Through the process of combining listening, enquiring and exploring with creativity and experience, we find solutions to our clients’ needs. In doing so, “grand narratives” tend to take care of themselves.

© Copyright Warc Studio Architects, October  2020